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45 minutes

$750 per treatment or 6 for $3900

Recommendation is 6 treatments spaced about 2-4 weeks apart

KeraLase is a hair stimulation treatment perfect for everyone. It is quick, easy, and pain-free. To start the treatment we will run out LaseMD Ultra on the scalp to create micro-channels. After those channels are created, we rub in KeraFactor, a serum to stimulate hair growth. Once your treatment is done, we will have you lay under the red LED light therapy while serum sets in the scalp.

KeraLase FAQ

What should I not do after my appointment?

After your appointment we will give you a post treatment care card. That will have all the do’s and don'ts of treatment. You can also view your booking confirmation for a detailed list of expectations. As always, if you have any questions you are able to call or text at anytime.

Are results immediate?

No, results will be seen gradually overtime. Most people will see improvement in as little as three months.

Does the laser hurt?

The laser is painless as it is on a very low setting. This setting allows us to make micro-channels without having the discomfort of A typical laser treatment.

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